Science diplomacy
This course will explain the students how the scientific information and research flows into the international community. Through a solid theoretical background, today and historical examples and high-level guests, students will have a solid overview of the connections between science and diplomacy, based on the so called three pillars (science for diplomacy, diplomacy for science, science in diplomacy). At the end of the course a simulation about the ways science interacts with diplomacy will tests students’ knowledge of the issues. This course will be taught in English.

Laureato in Relazioni Internazionali, consegue nel 2014 il Master in Comunicazione della Scienza alla SISSA. Lavora poi per Fondazione Centro Studi ENEL – ENEL Foundation e per Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. Collabora con alcune testate italiane (Wired Italia, Il Tascabile, OggiScienza).
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