Studying and practicing science communication as a culture

Il corso “Studying and practicing science communication as culture” esplora la comunicazione scientifica come un fenomeno culturale complesso. Attraverso un approccio interdisciplinare, gli studenti analizzeranno come la scienza viene comunicata e percepita nella società contemporanea, esaminando le interazioni tra scienza, media e pubblico. Durante il corso, gli studenti avranno l’opportunità di svolgere un piccolo progetto di ricerca, applicando le conoscenze acquisite.

Il corso si svolge in inglese, di seguito i dettagli.

Course overview: This course explores science communication’s role and place in society, and the way in which it can be studied and carried out as an aspect of particular cultures. The aim is both to introduce students to science communication scholarship on science communication as culture, and to reflect on what it means to carry it out in ways that engage with wider forms of meaning-making.

Learning outcomes: Students will learn about scholarship on science communication as culture, reflect on the role and purpose of (their) science communication activities, and gain experience in carrying out research-oriented investigations of science-society relations.

Course content: The course will cover research on science communication as culture and on the role of science communication in society; research methods in science communication; and what it means to carry out science communication using a culture-based approach.

Teaching methods: The course has three phases. In the first online class students will be introduced to scholarship on science communication as culture and on its role in society, and given an assignment (to be carried out in groups) to carry out before the next class. In the second workshop, students will present and discuss their results. In the final class, students will reflect on learning and on what it means to carry out (as well as study) science communication using a culture-based approach.

Ha dato disponibilità a tenere il corso la seguente docente:


Sarah R. Davies è Professoressa di Technosciences, Materiality, & Digital Cultures presso il Dipartimento di Studi sulla Scienza e la Tecnologia dell’Università di Vienna. Il suo lavoro esplora come la scienza e la società si co-producono, definendo le condizioni della ricerca scientifica e la presenza della scienza nella società più ampia. Il filo condut ...

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